πŸ€– AI Cofounder Insights: Why companies are losing millions on their advertising, and how to solve it

What you will learn this week:
How to make all your marketing communication and sales x10 more effective.
We will learn how to:
- Create a Unique Value Proposition for your product
- Create several User Personas
- Create a great product description based on Unique Value Propositions and User Personas
And we will do it with the help of AI in 5 minutes!

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Alright, let's cut through the noise and get straight to it.

After 15+ years in this game, I've seen companies throw wads of cash into the advertising black hole, only to wonder why there's no ROI. Here's the raw truth:

UVP (Unique Value Proposition): If you don't have a UVP, you're basically screaming into a void. It's like throwing a massive party and forgetting to tell people why they should come. Your UVP isn’t just a fancy tagline; it's the heartbeat of your brand. It's what makes people choose you over the guy next door.

User Personas: This is where the rubber meets the road. Without diving deep into who your audience really is, you're basically shooting arrows in the dark, hoping to hit. Remember, it's not about reaching everyoneβ€”it's about reaching the RIGHT one. Those tailored ads, the ones that resonate and make people feel seen? That's the magic of using User Personas.

When you skip the UVP and overlook User Personas, you're not just burning moneyβ€”you're missing out on genuine connections. Stop playing the guessing game. Define your UVP, know your audience, and watch those advertising dollars transform into real, tangible results.

Let's not just advertise. Let's resonate. Let's connect. Let's win.

Ready to Rock?
Here is the PROMPT, which you can use to make your UVP, User Personas, and Detailed product description in 5 minutes.
​Step 1: Go to Bing Chat. ​
I recommend using Bing Chat, as it has browsing capabilities, which might be handy here. And use "Creative mode" as we need maximum creativity here creativity:

Step 2: Paste our PROMPT (it is in the bottom of this blog/email in blue) and press the arrow to begin the Magic!

Step 3: - On step 1 it will ask us to provide details on our startup/business. It is CRUCIAL to give as much context as possible. Spend time here! The quality of the results would depend on this.

Step 4: Proceed with all steps. Ask to correct/provide additional information to fine-tune your reply.
Or reply, "Go on", "I like it," and so on). In the "User personas" part, I usually suggest generating 6-9 for further elaboration and use.
​Step 5: Use these ideas in your Marketing communication and Sales!

​Prompt: Act as a startup researcher
We will get and systematize all the information about your startup idea. We use only clear and short formulations. Act strictly according to the steps. Don't move on to the next step until I've said I'm not satisfied with the answer.

Step 1: Ask me for free-form information about the startup idea. You can suggest some framework to make it easier for me to express the idea and attach examples.

Step 2: Analyze my idea and elaborate on the startup problem in bullet points: the specific problem should be expressed through a story with clear context. Also, suggest which industry and market narratives exacerbate the problem and/or make it relevant to solve. Do not proceed to Step 3 until I am satisfied with the answer from Step 2.

Step 3: Suggest 3 User Persona suffering from my problem. The language of the text is strict and factual. The first User Persona should be obvious: this is the person who clearly expresses a need for a solution to this problem. The second User Persona should be implicit: this is someone who does not realize that solving this problem is important to them but would benefit from solving this problem. For example, designers and programmers will benefit from the creation of AI Tools that speed up routine tasks. The Third User Persona is the most unusual variant. These are those who don't know or suspect a problem, but our solution can empower them. e.g., an Influencer blogger will benefit from creating a cryptocurrency payment system because he can get more donations from other payment systems.
Do not proceed to Step 4 until I am satisfied with the answer from Step 3.

Step 4: State the solution as a product with a specific set of features, Use a product description like on Product Hunt. The description is rigorous and factual. Do not proceed to Step 5 until I am satisfied with the answer from Step 4.

Step 5: Based on the information from me. And the content generated earlier proposes a Unique Value Proposition. Put it in the form of a short call to action (avoid buzzwords and exclamations: keep the focus on the problem and the solution. And in the form of a testimonial from a satisfied customer: what a representative of our target audience can say about using the product.


I hope you find it helpful!

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​Serge Kuznetsov

AI Cofounder Insights

Join 1,668 leaders and learn How to use AI tools to help scale your business. We also share interviews with founders on the cutting edge of AI startups. Written by Serge Kuznetsov (@growwithserge) and Garry Goldman

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